Sunday, July 22, 2012

What kind of cook are you?

What kind of home cook are you? A planner? Do you plan out a month's menu and stick to it? Are you a "make ahead" cook? Do you prep and make most of the weeks dinners on Sunday?  Are you a Crock Potter? Do you make everything in a crock pot so dinner is just ready when you get home? I am none of these, when it comes to making dinner every night I plan by how I feel that day. I'm not going to know on Sunday that spaghetti is what I'll want on Thursday or that chicken soup will be great on the 21st of the month. I need freedom in the kitchen. I decide every morning what to make for dinner and I thaw out whatever meat I need.

No matter what kind of home cook you are, you must have an arsenal of seasonings and spices. I think I have everything from the spice isle at the grocery store. I have everything you could ever think to season anything with.  One of my friends said "a real cook has all the spices out on the counter because they are being used". In the picture you can also see that somethings are the industrial size, that's because they get used the most.

But not everything can be out on the counter, there just isn't space. So I have an entire cabinet for everything else. One of these days I'll have do a pintrest project to get this mess cleaned up a little better. I have 2 pumpkin spice jars and 2 jars of salt because I didn't see what I had and just bought another.

 You should also have a stocked pantry. My pantry is stock piled with just about everything you could ever need to make just about anything. Beans for chili, dried soup mixes for broiled potatoes, every kind of canned tomato you can think of, 7 different kinds of pasta and rice. I also have enough non perishable, eat right out of the can kinda foods just incase of emergancy, like huricanes. Having all this on hand makes it easy to fly free everynight with dinner because I have everything in my pantry to make something good.

Being well stocked in the kitchen can also be a life saver when you are faced with last minute dinner guests. My husband has called me in the middle of the afternoon to ask me if he can bring the new guy who just checked in to dinner. I can never turn a hungry mouth away. Having all those cans of beans and rice can help stretch a meal for last minute guests.

No matter what kind of cook you are, you should always have options in your pantry and the seasonings to spice up any dish. Get out there and make something tasty!

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