Thursday, July 19, 2012

Anticipation is making me wait

The Homecoming Hype is in full swing. Welcome home signs are being hung and homes are being decked out with American & Marine Corps flags and everything partiotic. Not my home though, my home is and will always be in a state of normal and calm. I haven't even told Greyson that his Daddy will be home soon. It's too far off for a 3 year old to understand and it's too hard to explain everyday for the # of days why it isn't today. I will tell Grey the same thing I told him last year, "we are going to a party" and when the buses finally pull up I tell him to look for his Daddy.

Keeping things calm and normal isn't just for Greyson, it's the only way I can stay sane as the last little bit of time drags on. I can't hurry up and wait, so I will get to the hype fashionably late. In 6 homecomings not a one has ever happened on the day and time the hype was meant for. One year a stick got delayed for an entire week in Germany because of a blizzard. Talk about a major disappointment! Last year the day of homecoimgn was pushed back a day just a few hours before the buses were suppose to arrive. So you can see why it's hard to get excited when homecoming is so close yet so far away. Ask me in a week and I might be more excited.

Other than the waiting, the worst thing about homecomings is the ungodly time of night the buses roll in. This picture is of last year's homecoming. It was taken after waiting for 7 hours in the cold wind. Greyson was over the party and just wanted to go home. This was an epic fail, we were told to be in the reception area around 5 only for the buses to arrive after midnight. Waiting with small children is the worst and now with two I am not looking forward to endless waiting outside. As hard it might be, this year I am going to do my waiting at home. Once they hit the armory I'll have enough time to get there. The armory fiasco is another long story for another time.

At the end of the day I can't be more excited that this is almost over. But the real excitment begins once he is home and life can return to normal again.

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