Saturday, July 14, 2012

Greasy Spoon Hamburgers

There is nothing quite like a greasy spoon hamburger. Burgers on the grill are great for a BBQ but sometimes you just want something different. Greasy spoon burgers remind me of old fashioned Diners. Greasy spoon hamburger joints are my favorite places to eat.

I read in a food magazine that the best bun for a hamburger is a potato roll. I have never had one before, so tonight was my first time trying one. I liked it. It held up well with the meat and toppings. This will from now on be my hamburger bun of choice. Try it and see what you think.

Tomatoes! To me this is the hardest thing to pick at the store. I find that most people just grab one and keep shopping. You want the tomato to be firm and not bruised, you also want the color to be a deeper red. A tomato that is very light in color isn't ripe and is mushy inside, that makes for a yucky tomato. Another thing a lot of people do terribly wrong to tomatoes is they put them in the fridge! This is a huge no no! The cold will alter the texture and taste of a tomato. A good rule of thumb when it comes to produce and weather or not it goes in the fridge is, if it's not in the cooler section of the produce department then it does not go in the fridge. Onions, potatoes, tomatoes and most fruit should not go in the fridge.

Another good tip for tomatoes is to cut them with a serrated edge knife. I find that a serrated edge gives you a better grip on the tomato and a cleaner cut. A secret that my Dad always did was he put the slices of tomato between two paper towels to absorb some of the moisture. This helps in keeping your bread from getting soggy. I also like to season my tomato right before I put it on my burgers or sandwiches. A quick sprinkle of garlic salt & pepper give it a little kick and add another layer of flavor.

I seasoned both sides of my patties with my secret Texas seasoning and salt & pepper. Make sure your skillet or griddle is smoking hot before putting your meat in. A little bit of oil is always a good thing. Remember to leave your meat alone! You only need to flip it once, so don't lift it to look at it or turn it. Let it fry for a good 5 minutes before you even think of turning it over.

Time to add the cheese! I can not and will not ever eat a burger without cheese, it just seems so wrong. Tonight I used plain old American deli cheese. Once the second side has cooked for about 3-4 minutes add the cheese and cover your skillet or the burgers on a griddle. Turn the heat down and just let the cheese melt into the patty. Once the cheese is melted nicely all over the burger I take it and let it rest for a minute on a paper towel to remove the excess grease before putting it on my bun.

Now your burger is ready for you to top anyway you please! There are so many different ways to top a burger, the choices are endless! Maybe once my husband is home I'll make some New Mexico green chile burgers to show you all. Enjoy!!

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