Monday, August 6, 2012

My Famous Rib eyes

Growing up my Dad always grilled Steaks on Friday or Saturdays if he was home. We never ate steaks out, always at home. They were always better at home. My family never eats steak out, it's much cheaper and tastes much better when I make them at home.

My steak of choice is a rib eye, always! They don't have to be too big. I like my rib eyes to have nice marbling but not too much. Remember to let your steaks come to room temp and pat them dry so the seasoning sticks better.

Beautiful steaks like these really don't need a lot of seasonings. I simply use my secret Texas seasoning, garlic salt & black pepper. You don't need a lot of different flavors because you want to taste the meat, but you do need a lot of salt & pepper so you can get a nice crust on the meat.

To grill the perfect steak your grill needs to be nice and hot. You don't want your coals to still be flaming. They should be red and white. Once you put your meat on the grill close the lid and leave it alone. Don't open the lid until it's time to turn the steaks over. You lose almost 200 degrees every time you open the lid, so to keep keep the lid shut to keep your temp up. For a perfect medium steak cook the first side for 8 minutes, flip and cook the other side for 5 minutes. Remember to let your meat rest for at least 10 minutes so the juices can settle.

I always make my special mushrooms when we have steaks, unless we are having steak tapiquena. The only time I like mushrooms is if they have been cooked in some sort of alcohol. Most steak houses have sherry mushrooms, my mushrooms are made with Vermouth. I suttee the mushrooms in butter until they are tender and slightly browned. Then I add the Vermouth and reduce to a glaze. If you are cooking with a gas stove remove the pan from the flame before adding the alcohol, you don't want it to catch fire. These mushrooms are amazing!

Here is what a steak dinner looks like at my house. I love a huge baked potato with my steak. I like the mushrooms on top of my steak with a little bit of the Vermouth glaze. There was nothing left of tonights dinner. My husband devoured his steak. This meal would easily be $24- $30 a plate at any steak house, my dinner was ony $25 for 2 people. Much cheaper and was better tasting!

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